Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Those darn teenagers and their ragng hormones!

I hate being a teenager! Simply because of that constant "I need a signifiant other" feeling that we always have. And it is especially disapointing when you are the person that can NEVER get the significant other. oh it is not me! NO! It is um....a friend! yeah a friend that feels like they always need a girl and yet alway seem to run out of luck in that area..........ok so IT IS me!

hormones are so annoying!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

decisions decisions

I have decided that theatre is what i want to do for the rest of my life! It is what I am most passionate about and what I think I could excell in most.

I have decided that I will apply to several schools in New York City and live there after high school, where i will be discovered and become famous.

I have decided that I am sick of school and if it was possible i would drop out because I don't learn much, but I can't do that so I won't. And besides I couldn't do theatre then and that would break my poor little heart.

I have decided that I will take over theatre club at camp, since Goober will not be there this summer. Let me know if you are interested in helping me. I think Spork and Plundge are helping.

I have decided that I am going to try to work harder at everything from now on.

I have decided that I need to eat healthier

I have decided that Planet Earth is one of the best shows on television.

I have decided that I am done.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Let this cup pass from Me

"He went a little farther and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, 'Oh My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless not as I will, but as You will'"-Matthew 26:39

I was at a Good Friday Breakfast last Friday with the organization that I will be traveling to Rwanda with. The founder of Open Arms International, Dave Gallagher, spoke on this verse and made it a little more clear for me.
Jesus says, "Let this cup pass from Me". Back in the Roman days, if a Roman soldier did something wrong in his line of duty or committed a crime, he would be killed. Well what they would did was line the soldiers up, fill a cup with poison, and each soldier would have to take a drink. The side effects of the poison were horrendous and the more you drank, the more pain and suffering you had to endure. Well the first soldier in line had a choice. He could either drink a sip, die with less pain, and pass it on to the others or he could drink the whole cup, die a horribly painful death, but spare the life of his Roman brothers.

Jesus chose to drink the whole cup.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So i am having a rough time raising money for my Rwanda trip. Luckily I got a job at Red Lobster, so that will help but only a little because I have other things i have to worry about paying for too. So could you guys pray for my situation? That would be amazingly appreciated. I know God will pull through though...

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Take this world from me

So i have been thinking a lot about my future lately. What college am i going to go to? What will my career be? Who am I going to marry? How many kids am I going to have? And as ponder these thoughts, I also think, why am i SO focused on the future? What if the Lord decides to take me home before all of this happens? I don't know if you have heard on the news, but last sunday a kid from Canby named Jesse Bogue drowned in the Molalla River. He went to my Uncle's church and his family was friends of the family. He and my cousin were going to go to prom together. And he was in my cabin one year at Camp Crestview. This kid touched THOUSANDS of peoples lives! Well what if God decides He wants me to go early? I decided that I would be 100% completely OK with that, because with death, comes great life. He could use me to reach out to hundreds of people. When I think of that, an enormous grin comes across my face. The thought of God using my story, my life, my death to reach even 1 person for Christ brings me great joy. And all of this has just gotten me thinking about all of the non-christian friends that I have. What if I blow it and miss the chance to share with them the Love of Christ before it is too late? That thought makes me numb. It is SO hard for me though and I don't even know what it is that is stopping me. I guess fear of rejection maybe. Another thought that kills me is thinking about all of the Mormon kids that I know. They are all such great people, they love God and have great hearts, however they are so decieved. Their relgion is one that is so devoted and so lost that it is extremely hard to witness to them. All in all these thoughts have brought me to this song by MercyMe that was played at my Grandfather's funeral:

Spoken For by: MercyMe

Take this world from me
I don't need it anymore
I am finally free
My heart is spoken for

Oh and I praise you
Oh and I worship you...


Covered by your love divine
Child of the risen Lord
To hear you say "This one's mine"
My heart is spoken for

Now I have a peace
I've never known before
I find myself complete
My heart is spoken for

Oh and I praise you
Oh and I worship you...


By the power of the cross
You've taken what was lost
And made it fully yours
And I have been redeemed
By you that spoke to me
Now I am spoken for

[Chorus 2x]

Take this world from me Don't need it anymore...

In conclusion, If God takes me home early, I would have NO problem with that. I want to touch thousands of lives just as Jesse did. I want people to look back on my life and smile. But most of all I want God to look back on my life and say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Sunday, April 1, 2007