I grew more this summer than I have my whole life.
God revealed Himself to me in so many ways, whether
it be in Africa or at camp. I saw miracles happen. The
kind of miracles like Jesus performed in His day. I miracles
just like those ones when I was in Africa. Its like God
grabbed my shoulders tightly, and shook me around and
said "Aaron! Look! I am here! How could you have been so
blind as to not see me so clearly before?" Its sad that it
took miraculous things to happen for me to fully see God.
But I am glad I finally see the bigger picture now.
So many times we get caught up in our selfish desires. And
it happens so often, because it is our natural human ways.
But if know God, love God and have actually seen and
experienced God, then why aren't we spending every
waking moment praising Him, worshiping Him, talking
to Him, thinking about Him, living for Him? I just wish
so badly that I could live FULLY for Him. But in order to
actually do that, I would have to be perfect. And that just
ain't gonna happen. It doesn't take any genius to figure
this stuff out.
My life was changed this summer. God has given me a candle
and He wants me to set this world on fire. And I so deeply want
to, but every single time I try my earthly habits get in the way.
This year is going to be different. God has called me and I have
answered. By His strength, I will affect hundreds of people's
lives. By His words, I will speak to hundreds of people about
Him. And by His love, I will love His people.