Monday, March 10, 2008

All you need is love...

In a broad sense, John Lennon makes a simple yet profound point. If we all just learn to love, thins would be a lot better. That not only goes for loving God but loving people.

God has been teaching me lately about just loving people and accepting our differences and simply loving them. My pastor made an excellent point. He said that we would be so much more affective, if instead of reaching people for the sole mission to convert them, but just getting to know them and listening to them and hearing their story and seeing things their way and simply LOVING them.

My youth pastor told me and a few of my friends about a movie. Its called, "Lord, Save us from Your Followers". And it is a documentary made by a Christian guy from Portland, and it just about how Christians and conservatives tend to be the most hateful people in this country. And its SO true. We act like Pharisees. So we watched it tonight and it was SO compelling and eye-opening. I HIGHLY recommend it, if you can find a copy of it.

I don't know about you but I am absolutely IN LOVE with people. People are SO beautiful! People are, for sure, God's most beautiful creations. After all, we are the only thing on earth that was made in the image of God. I just really want to get to know people more and understand people and know where they are coming from.

So here is kind of a short overview of the whole movie. Take out 10 minutes just to watch this short clip. But if you get the chance, I really encourage you to watch the full movie.