Sunday, April 8, 2007

Let this cup pass from Me

"He went a little farther and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, 'Oh My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless not as I will, but as You will'"-Matthew 26:39

I was at a Good Friday Breakfast last Friday with the organization that I will be traveling to Rwanda with. The founder of Open Arms International, Dave Gallagher, spoke on this verse and made it a little more clear for me.
Jesus says, "Let this cup pass from Me". Back in the Roman days, if a Roman soldier did something wrong in his line of duty or committed a crime, he would be killed. Well what they would did was line the soldiers up, fill a cup with poison, and each soldier would have to take a drink. The side effects of the poison were horrendous and the more you drank, the more pain and suffering you had to endure. Well the first soldier in line had a choice. He could either drink a sip, die with less pain, and pass it on to the others or he could drink the whole cup, die a horribly painful death, but spare the life of his Roman brothers.

Jesus chose to drink the whole cup.


Why said...

I have never heard that before. That's really cool.
Happy Easter!

MANGO said...

That is really neat! It's really something to think about too! :)

Anonymous said...

That's a really cool analogy! Happy Easter!

PS. How do you put pictures into a post?