Wednesday, May 2, 2007


So I will be staying home from school tomorrow because I have been suspended for a day. Now, before you jump to any conclusions, let me explain what happened....

I was eating my turkey bagel sandwhich and potato chips in the cafeteria with some of my friends (shamu was there) like I do everyday. As I took a bite into my deliciously plain bagel sandwhich, I noticed this little freshman kid that a lot of people rightfully dislike because he has NO respect for anybody and is a jerk to everyone(lets call him Gary) start to tease another kid who is kind of strange and out there but he is in a couple of my classes, so we are acquaintances (lets call him Eugene).

Eugene had been continuely been yelling at Gary to stop. In fact, Eugene had told me the day before about this kid teasing him. So anyway, Gary would not go away. That is when I stood up and said, in quite a loud forceful voice, "Gary knock it off! Leave him alone!" Gary then laughed and walked away.

Once again, he came creeping over, so i stood up walked over to him and said, "Get a life!" and shoved him pretty hard. He again walked away.

I guess the booger didn't learn his lesson so he started comin over again. That is when some girl, i had never seen before, grabbed him by the back of the neck and yelled at him to stop. He made some really rude comments to her, so she proceeded to hit him really hard in the face. The security guys saw her do it and escorted both her and gary out of the cafeteria.

During my next class which was choir, i got pulled out to give my testimony of what happened. I was in a small awkward room with the vice principal, the victim Eugene, the hitter, and a witness. The v.p. was really calm about things and was very understanding as to why we reacted the way we did. Unfortunately, legally they had to suspend us even though they didn't want to because they understood the circumstance.

So tomorrow, I will sleep in, eat junk food and watch movies all day. Friday I am going to talk to the v.p. about getting it off my personal record because I have some friends wrongfully accused of things and got it off their personal record.

All in all, I do not regret one bit of it. I stood up for the kid, and did what I thought was right at the time and a lot of people actually congratulated me too. And hey, I get a day off of school!!

Oh and a note for the Price family (or anyone else interested): I am going to be home alone all day being bored, so i would love some company if anyone wants to come over and watch movies with me. Just give me a call!

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