Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i need to start blogging again...

for my devoted fans ;)

So I woke up this morning at 445am to go to Solid Rock for Bible Study @ 6am.
It is SO worth the lack of sleep and the waking up early.
The Lord has truly blessed Pastor Josh White with wisdom.
This morning he spoke about the things that "stain" our Great Commission for our Savior.
A lot of the things he said really ring true in my own daily struggles

He said one thing that really struck me: "If I can trust the Lord with my salvation, I should be able to trust Him with anything." Wow! Why can't I do that? He is the creator of the freakin' universe! He has NEVER once let me down. He always provides. He is constantly there for me to run back to when i stray away. Why can't I trust Him with every little thing in my life?

Another thing that ruins the commission that our Lord has called us to is passive aggressiveness/sarcasm. This is one of the many things I constantly fail at. We so easily fall prey to sarcasm and we don't even realize it. This is one thing I realized is a huge issue that most of us have working at TCBC struggle with and it is rarely dealt with. That is one of the man reason that I won't be going back this summer. Sarcasm is so shallow if you think about it. So often our snide little comments cut people really deep and if they take it a different way then we intended, we automatically judge them for it. We do not know what everyone is going through or dealing with and it is dangerous to assume or pretend to know. We should be unfailingly kind without thinking about what we get in return. They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery but I say love, compassion and sincerity are the highest forms of flattery.

And the last thing that I felt convicted about was about self pity/bitterness. I so often jump to me, me, me. Instead of focusing on God, God, God. Recently, especially with the low key Christmas I had, I have been noticing myself fishing for people sympathy and making everything about me. How can I follow Christ when my eyes are focused on myself? How can I call myself a Christ Follower?

Christ is the where we need to start, follow, and finish. He is the starting line, the path, and the goal.

May my words be Yours,
May You touch my lips,
Put the illumination of Moses on my face,
See my scarlet cord,
Make my desires echo Yours,
Saturate me in Your desire....

Watch out....The Great I AM has sent me.


BDT said...

In regards to your first point, yes! Corrie ten Boom especially has taught me a lot about trusting God. He is so faithful, why can't I have faith?

In regards to your second point, WOOT! Our generation especially loves to focus on their "brokenness." If we focus on the ability of CHRIST to mend our brokenness instead, I think we're in a better place.

In regards to your second point. I get it, but I have to confess I don't think about it much. I'll have to really ponder that. Off the top of my head I want to say that it depends on how sarcasm is used, that it's what's going on spiritually that's important, not what's said verbally. I don't know though. Thanks for giving me some good stuff to think on.

Good to see you back on blogger, brother. I like you a lot. Keep it up.

Meiska said...

You are an amazing guy, my friend. I am so encouraged by your love for our Lord!
