Thursday, February 28, 2008

I have never felt God be so real lately.
He has been revealing Himself to me like
never before. I don't know if you have ever
had the chance to feel an abundance of
joy through God yet but let me tell you
that is absolutely the best feeling in the
world. Kings and queens long for joy like
this. I am no longer the opaque fool that
I once was.

For the first time in my life, I read His Word
because I crave it. I am daily indulging in
my sword. For the first time in my life, my
youth group is desiring God and slowly
becoming the united body of Christ that
He calls us to be.

The highlight of my week is the student lead
prayer/worship night at Heather's house. No
pastors/mentors/leaders. Just 30 - 40 students
praying together and getting lost in worship.
People who I have prayed and dreamed about
accepting Christ finally saw the light.

But the journey is only beginning. We must
withstand the forces of evil together. The
evil one sees the threat that we have become.
We have to equip ourselves with the Word.

Thank you Lord for allowing us to see you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks....I really really want to be a writer, but I don't know if that's what God has planned...I need to pray about it a lot more than I do.

Why said...

That is so cool to hear about, G-mo. I hope that what you described will never fade away.
Does it seem to you that to paraphrase Narnia, "God is on the move"? It seems like there is a much greater emphasis on worship in the church now than when I was younger.