Thursday, June 25, 2009

The last few days have brought upon big smiles, sweet insight and some very rad realizations.

Beth and I went on a bike ride to downtown portland on the springwater trail (pictured above). It was about 20 miles and it was so much fun! I got some nice colour too haha! It felt good to get so much exercise. Endorphins baby!! Riding my bike this summer has really made me crave healthy food....weird....but then again i never said that I've been eating healthy food, just thinking about it.
After that we went to Beth's house and the heavens opened up. Bethany and Emily serenaded me......Most men only dream or such a magical experience. haha! It was beautiful. Then we went to Heather's house for some Good Shepherd High School Group thing and it was really strange being back around the youth group.....kinda awkward. Anyway, I had a great day and got lots of sun and ended it at Marty's house with Jeff, Drew and Jake.

I went to coffee with Anna today and it was so great :) We talked for a couple hours about everything. We realized how many of the same goals we have for our lives. It was so nice having someone to talk to about my future who really understands how I feel about it all. It was awesome getting to reconnect with her and I am SO excited to hang out with her this summer. You know how sometimes when you "get coffee with someone" and there is usually a lot of uncomfortable silences where neither of you talk? Yeah, NO weird silences at all! haha Anna is SO great. We decided that we are going to see plays together this summer and go to a few casting calls. I'm excited.


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