Monday, October 22, 2007

Dear God,
First of all, I just want to thank you SO much for everything you have provided for me. My friends, family, food, shelter, a good life, salvation, I could go on forever! Thank you for being such a loving God!

God, I pray that you would give me courage. I love you so much and I want to tell the world about Your love, but I always chicken out. I hate it. Please Lord just give me the courage to talk about You and provide me with the words to say.

Lord, I pray that you would be with the Donohue Family. They are going through so much right now and it kills me to see one of my best friends' to go through so much pain. I pray that you bring healing to Pat. Physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, Lord. God I pray that the whole family would just keep their focus on You and not turn they eyes away from You. I pray that if You do decide to take him home early, that the family and everyone else would understand that You are in control.

God I pray for my parents. Sometimes I wonder if my prayers are heard, because I have been praying for this for years, but I know You have a plan. But I pray that you would provide spiritual and emotional healing to both of them, Lord. I pray that they would just seek after You everyday and strive to know you more, Lord. I pray that You provide them with joy. I am tired watching them be sad and listening to them complain about stuff instead of bringing their problems to You, God. God, I pray that if You have a woman for my dad that You bring about the best, most Godly, uplifting, beautiful woman for him, Lord. He deserves someone amazing, God.

Lord I pray for all of those less fortunate. That You be their only Provider. That they will see that they are in Your arms. I pray that whatever they are going through that they will find You.

God, I pray for all of my friends. From church, school, theatre, choir, camp that you would just encourage them daily. That their eyes would be focused on You and You alone God. That each day would be a new spiritual adventure for them. Lord I want to see them fully immersed in Your love, God.

And finally Lord I pray for me. That I would be seeking You daily. I am so terrible with consistently being in Your Word. Not only that but when I do read it, that I would be able to grow from it and not just read because I feel like I have to. God I pray that Your plan for my life would be revealed to me a little more each and everyday. I pray that You would use me to reach hundreds and thousands of people. I pray that my life would reflect You and that people's lives would be greatly changed for the better because of they see You in me. God, without You there is no me. I want that to show. Give me courage, strength, wisdom, understanding, discernment, patience, compassion and a love for people that is so incredibly overwhelming. I love you, Lord!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. A lot of this has been on my mind lately. Wierd.