Saturday, March 31, 2007

Duck, Duck, Goose

Ducks are fun.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

These photos are of my baby nephew, Landon. They are almost a year old, so he is a lot bigger now.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

La Beauté de Dieu

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i took some pictures and put them together to make this. The words are French for "I see God's beauty all around me".

Sunday, March 18, 2007

So today, as i drove down to beaverton and then road the max
back to gresham with goober, i was reminded how beautiful
God's creature is. Just seeing the hundreds of Cherry Blossoms,
made me want to just worship Him so much. The pink blooms
are so simple yet so incredibly beautiful. It also brought back
something that Fidgit told me once, "Spring is the promise of Summer".
Something like that. A woderful summer awaits me. A summer full of
changing kids' lives, great relationships, hard work, dedication, and
most of praising God and doing what He calls me to do.
"You spread out the skies over empty space
Said "let there be light"
Into a dark and formless world
Your light was born
You spread out Your arms over empty hearts
Said "let there be light"
Into a dark and hopeless world
Your Sonwas born
You made the world and saw that it was good
You sent Your only Son for You are good

What a wonderful Maker
What a wonderful Savior
How majestic Your whispers
And how humble Your love
With a strength like no other
And the heart of a Father
How majestic Your whispers
What a wonderful God

No eye has fully seen, how beautiful the cross
And we have only heard
The faintest whispers of how great You are"

- Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


am i no longer allowed to make mistakes? or am i expected to be perfect?

Monday, March 12, 2007


Last night i was feeling really down in the dumps and worthless and like nothing was worth it anymore and that God was probably really disapointed with my life right now, so and i was reading Fidgit's blog and one of them said that John 8 was really good and that everyone should read it. And then went to bed and started my math homework and put in my headphones and put my MP3 on shuffle, the first song that came one was this song by Josh Groban and it really really uplifted me, and so when i was done with my homework, i started reading "The Message" and read John 8, and it was perfect for what i was going through. God works in amazing ways. So read and/or listen to the song below and read John 8, and i hope it gives you hope and puts you in a better mood like it did for me....

You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)
By: Josh Groban

Don’t give up
It’s just the weight of the world
When you’re heart’s heavy I - I will lift it for you
Don’t give up
Because you want to be heard
If silence keeps you I – I will break it for you

Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don’t give up
Because you are loved

Don’t give up
It’s just the hurt that you hide
When you’re lost inside I – I’ll be there to find you
Don’t give up
Because you want to burn bright
If darkness blinds you I – I will shine to guide you

Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don’t give up
Because you are loved

(You are loved)
You are loved
(You are loved)
Don’t give up
(Don’t give up)
It’s just the weight of the world
(You are loved)
Don’t give up
(Don’t give up)
Everyone needs to be heard
(Don’t give up)
You are loved
(You are loved)

Sunday, March 11, 2007


well i can finally call myself CIT. I am SO relieved! After weeks of agonizing anticipation, Joe FINALLY told me that i will be working at TCBC this summer.

Although it was not a smooth as that sounded. This weekend kinda cut me deep. Joe told me that he was hesitant to hire me because of my performance last summer. Which i guess i understand, because i KNOW that i did not work as hard as a should have or could have, but the part that kind of hurt was when i heard that i got a 2 on my evaluation for having a servant's heart and he said that he does not think that my heart is quite there yet.

wow, that was hard to hear, because there is nothing i'd rather be doing this sumer than serving God and making differences in kids' hearts. Nothing brings me more joy than serving the Lord and serving kids, but i do sincerely understand what he means, i just needed to hear it. I just hope and pray that i can prove to everyone that i can be a great CIT and that my heart truely is all there for God and for the kids.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Thank you...

to all of the incredible people i met at TCBC last summer.
Seriously, i would NEVER have been able to handle my parents getting seperated if it weren't for you guys!
This is half the reason i would die if i didn't get hired (The other half because i LOVE working/playing with kids). Everyone is SO uplifting and encouraging and always has the right things to say and a Bible verse to go with it. This is why i have doubts. Again i know i shouldn't but everyone who works at TCBC has amazing knowledge about God and the Bible and i don't know as much and i look up to everyone so much for that. So once again Thank You all for being such great inspiration to me and for supporting and loving me no matter what!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

I Stand

I stand for freedom
Voice for the human race
They mock me
The slander keeps me going
And so I stand

I stand for life
Equal chance for everyone
They laugh at me
The snickers keep me alive
And so I stand

I stand for love
Compassion between brothers
They torment me
The ridicule keeps me strong
And so I stand

I stand for God
Alpha and Omega
They spit on me
The hatred tears me apart
But yet I stand

They stand for nothing
Chaos, confusion, and emptiness
I question them
My input gets them thnking
And yet they sit.

That One Place

The temperature drops
and the cold air gives me goose bumps.
I am uncomfortable.

God take me to the place I find peace.
Where the quiet waters flow with
hope to reach You.
Where the morning dew
soaks the ground with serenity.
Where those who know me actually care.

God take me to the place I love.
Where the swingsets creak in your name.
Where horses run and dance in praise.
Where those who know me actually care.

God take me to the place I know best.
Where the trails to nowhere
take me everywhere.
Where the people are real.
Where those who know me actually care.

God take me home.

The Premiere

So this is my first "official" blog because the last one was just kind of a tester one, but yeah i am excited about this thing. My good friend Dobbin introduced me to it. But anyway here is my rant:

I am kind of nervous about camp. haha i lied. i am VERY nervous about camp. i am worried about whether joe will hire me or not. I would be SO crushed if he didn't. I can't think of a better way to spend my summer. Maybe I am just stressing myself out about it too much but gosh i sure hope i find out sometime this week. anyway that was my rant about camp

So yesterday i casted my one act and let me just say, i have an amazing cast and i am so excited tostart the directing. I have never directed anyting before, so this is going to be fun! It kills me though that i have to wait til monday to tell the cast! ARGH! oh well, monday will come soon enough. But i also got cast for a small role in Medea, one of the scenes that McBeth is directing. She needed an extra guy, so i though, "what the heck?". Yup, and that was my rant about "Neglected Husbands' Sewing Club".

OH and i am stressing out about Rwanda. Anyone know a good way to earn money??